Friday, June 18, 2010


Finally got my B.S. in Genetics. Now to get the PhD!

I haven't had much time to draw beyond some very basic doodles to keep my fingers working. My summer has been relegated to a lab rotation on campus that, while it involves a lot of computer work, doesn't afford me a lot of time to draw!

Since I'd feel bad about posting without having anything to show for it, here are some of the pixel icon commissions I've worked on over the past few weeks. They only take a few hours to complete and, because they're so small, I can fuss over literally every single pixel until I get something (close to) right.


Ken said...

OOh nice! I used to work in mobile games and had to do a lot of pixel art... its surely an artform in itself! Youve done a grand job. Lovely... Looking forward to more drawing and painting from you when you get the chance though! PHD? nice!!! Youre a smart cookie. I still think you should pack it all in and draw full time though haha.

Love the new avatar!!

Marco Bucci said...

Hey Abby, haven't been here in awhile. Wow lots of improvement! These look great

andres casciani said...

Its very interestinga to know your works! Thanks for the shearing!